Another 3day weekend

since I have to work next Saturday ... I though I would take another 3 day weekend to catch up on home and yard.
It helped.
We planted corn, Navy beans,yellow wax beans Moulin Rouge sunflowers, teddy bear sunflowers more basil, carrots,beets, zuchinni red onions.
I mowed and would again today but we are expecting thunderstorms today.
the columbines are blooming along with the creeping phlox. the first Iris are not far off.
The first Five chickens are doing well out in their coop. (Buff orpinton arucana rhode island red and barred rock) They seem to enjoy the sunny days and run back in the coop when the dogs come by. It is funny that the youngest wyndotte is now the second largest. The second batch of chicks are in the bathroom and if the weather stays warm will be in the coop 3 weeks from now.


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